As Artificial Intelligence (AI) intertwines with emerging technologies, we stand at a transformative crossroads that beckons both vast possibilities and escalating threats. Data misuse, rights infringements, and unexpected challenges have intensified the urgency for proactive, collaborative solutions. Primarily the reason why MSW 2023 convenes at this critical crossroads, addressing these pressing challenges head-on.

DECEMBER 10 | 13:00 to 16:30 pm PST / 21:00 pm to 00:30 am GMT

Human Rights

International Human Rights Day

Human Rights in the AI-powered immersive worlds

The Roundtable Report for

is now available

1:00 pm PST
December 10
3.5 hours

Roundtable – International Human Rights Day

Theme: Human Rights in the AI-powered Immersive Worlds

Co-Hosted By:

As we honor the 75th Human Rights Day, we delve deep into the intertwining of AI-powered immersive worlds and their profound implications on human rights. In an era marked by rapid technological convergence, the metaverse and AI jointly revolutionize industries, necessitating a fresh perspective on established human rights doctrines. Bringing together global thought leaders, our focus sharpens on the emerging concepts of neurorights and the transformative potential of Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI).

In a dominantly AI-orchestrated metaverse, the pivotal task is to fortify and safeguard human rights. We engage in robust discussions surrounding the multifaceted challenges posed by privacy, autonomy, and the looming risks of algorithmic biases. Drawing insights from the collective intelligence, we accentuate the urgency for erecting standardized guardrails. 

This roundtable catalyzes profound deliberation and collective action. Together, participants will strive to outline actionable strategies, forge regulatory paradigms, and envisage governance structures that balance the scales of innovation with the unwavering ethos of human rights and dignity in the AI-driven metaverse.

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DECEMBER 11 | 11:00 am to 14:30 pm PST / 19:00 to 22:30 pm GMT

Medical XR and Immersive Healthcare

Immersive Healthcare & AI: Finding the balance between innovation, and shared responsibility

The Roundtable Report for

is now available

11:00 am PST
December 11
3.5 hours

Global Roundtable Discussion – Medical XR & Immersive Healthcare

Theme: Immersive Healthcare & AI: Finding the balance between innovation, and shared responsibility

Co-Hosted by:

In an era where technological marvels are no longer confined to science fiction, the amalgamation of AI with immersive technologies is sculpting a new frontier in healthcare. The brilliance of AI-powered diagnostics set within virtual realms, coupled with bespoke VR therapeutic regimens, signals a healthcare revolution. Yet, as we stand on the cusp of these advancements, the echoing call for shared responsibility resonates more than ever.

Immersive healthcare, propelled by AI, holds boundless promise. But this very promise mandates a careful equilibrium between groundbreaking innovation and the sacred principles of patient safety, data confidentiality, and overarching ethical paradigms. 

This roundtable aims to be a beacon for introspection and collaborative action. By convening healthcare experts, AI trailblazers, and policy thinkers, we set the stage for profound discussions. Together, participants will explore the multifaceted dimensions of AI’s role in immersive healthcare, charting a course that embraces the promise of technology while ensuring unwavering commitment to patient well-being and ethical standards.

  • Unpack AI’s role in immersive healthcare
    • AI agents as medical practitioners | Treatment and Therapeutics
  • AI applied to biometrics and data management. (analog to medical imaging)
  • Patient Clinician relationship
    • Patient safety | Psychological safety
  • Healthcare professionals (doctors, nurses, therapists), Health insurance professionals, Biotech and pharma industry representatives
  • Medical technology developers and AI researchers specializing in healthcare applications
  • Patients with experience or interest in immersive healthcare
  • Regulatory bodies, Medical institutions, and hospitals
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DECEMBER 12 | 11:00 am to 14:30 pm PST / 19:00 to 22:30 pm GMT

Child Safety and Children's Rights

Safeguarding the young generation in the AI-augmented worlds

The Roundtable Report for

is now available

11:00 am PST
December 12
3.5 hours

Global Roundtable Discussion – Child Safety & Children’s Rights

Theme: Safeguarding the young generation in the AI-augmented worlds

Co-Hosted By:

In the dynamic landscape of AI-augmented worlds, safeguarding our young generation becomes a task of paramount importance. These immersive realms promise transformative learning experiences and vibrant recreational avenues. Yet, they also introduce novel challenges: from the preservation of young digital identities to navigating the often-subtle influences on developing minds.

As the metaverse continues its rapid evolution, the urgency for global collaboration intensifies. Crafting new guardrails, rooted in ethics and fortified by technology, is essential to guide and protect the next generation. More than ever, accountability is not just the responsibility of a select few; it’s a collective duty. From technologists to educators, from policymakers to child rights advocates, each plays a vital role in ensuring that AI serves as an instrument of empowerment and not detriment.

This roundtable serves as a nexus for these crucial discussions. Together, we will explore actionable strategies and collaborative initiatives to ensure that our AI-augmented realities prioritize the safety, dignity, and rights of every child.

  • Provide an overview of the expanding young audience of Immersive digital environments.
  • Share and discuss practical examples of issues, concerns, and risks for the young audience resulting from the access and use of virtual worlds and emerging tech 
  • Describe real-world short-term solutions and actions to manage the previously described challenges
  • Parents and guardians
  • Educators and school administrators
  • Child psychologists and therapists
  • Youth policy advocates and Technology companies developing products for children
  • Children’s rights organizations
  • Game developers and legislators focusing on focusing on youth audiences
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DECEMBER 13 | 11:00 am to 14:30 pm PST / 19:00 to 22:30 pm GMT

Cybersecurity and Data Protection

Navigating the cyber frontier in the AI-powered metaverse

The Roundtable Report for

is now available

11:00 am PST
December 13
4 hours

Global Roundtable Discussion – Cybersecurity & Data Protection

Theme: Navigating the Cyber Frontier in the AI-Powered Metaverse

Co-Hosted By:

In the rapidly evolving AI-powered metaverse, cybersecurity has ascended to the forefront of global concerns, intertwining national security and the virtual realms in unprecedented ways. With the rise of AI-based cyberattacks, the threats to the metaverse are no longer just digital; they have the potential to reverberate across societies, impacting human lives, economic stability, and national peace. Threat intelligence plays a critical role in understanding and countering these emerging threats, bridging the gap between the virtual and the real, and offering solutions to protect both.

The potential repercussions of unchecked threats in the Metaverse range from data breaches to emerging warfare tactics, making a comprehensive incident response strategy not just advantageous, but essential. Safeguarding the integrity and privacy of the Metaverse citizens requires robust data protection mechanisms, ensuring that as we advance further into this digital realm, we are armed with the awareness and readiness to safeguard ourselves at the cyber frontier. As we navigate this cyber frontier, the onus is on global communities, industry leaders, and policymakers to collaborate, innovating responsibly to protect both individuals and societies at large.

This roundtable is set to be a convergence of diverse insights, all focused on the multifaceted challenges and possibilities of cybersecurity in the AI-powered metaverse. Together, we aspire to define strategies and blueprints that ensure every individual thrives in the digital realm, with their rights, safety, and data integrity upheld as paramount.

  • Identify and understand the evolving spectrum of cyber threats in the AI-powered Metaverse.
  • Formulate approaches to develop dynamic, responsive data protection and privacy frameworks for Immersive digital environments.
  • Develop collaborative resilience strategies for securing Emerging technologies.
  • Cybersecurity experts and professionals
  • Data protection officers and privacy advocates
  • Technology developers and researchers
  • Corporate executives and business leaders in technology sectors
  • Legal professionals, government officials, regulators, and policymakers in technology
  • Academics and students in cybersecurity and information technology fields
  • Technology enthusiasts and early adopters interested in cybersecurity trends
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DECEMBER 14 | 11:00 am to 14:30 pm PST / 19:00 to 22:30 pm GMT

Global Policy and Regulations

An urgent need for global regulations and governance for AI and emerging technologies

The Roundtable Report for

is now available

11:00 am PST
December 14
3.5 hours

Global Roundtable Discussion – Global Policy & Regulations

Theme: An urgent need for global regulations and governance for AI and emerging technologies

Co-Hosted By:

The proliferation of AI and emerging technologies is rapidly reshaping our digital ecosystems, demanding immediate and coordinated regulatory responses on a global scale. While the marriage of AI with the metaverse and other platforms heralds a new age of innovation, it simultaneously introduces complexities that challenge our existing policy frameworks. These complexities, coupled with the borderless nature of the metaverse, underscore the urgent imperative for international governance that ensures user protection and technological growth in tandem.

As we navigate this uncharted terrain, the call for collective global action resonates stronger than ever. Constructing these new regulatory scaffolds isn’t a solitary endeavor; it mandates a harmonized effort, involving policymakers, technologists, legal experts, and users alike. Every stakeholder plays a pivotal role in drafting a future where AI and related technologies are used responsibly, ethically, and to the benefit of humanity at large.

This roundtable is set to be a crucible for meaningful dialogue and collaboration. Together, participants will endeavor to draft actionable strategies, regulatory blueprints, and governance models that prioritize both innovation and the overarching safety and rights of users in the AI-augmented world.

  • Fostering international collaboration
  • Enabling inclusive policymaking
  • Balancing innovation with regulatory standards and frameworks
  • Global policymakers and regulators
  • Representatives from major tech companies
  • International business executives
  • Lawyers specializing in digital rights and technology law
  • Global Citizens, Community leaders, and civic organizations
  • Academics researching tech policy and governance
  • Tech startups in the Metaverse and AI space
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