Raulvin Coke
Futurewise Media & Consulting Group
Raulvin Coke is a Future of Work & Metaverse strategist tapped by start-ups, influencers & organizations. He is the Co-Founder & CEO of Future Wise Group, a Metaverse-focused consulting firm that helps organizations, start-ups, artists become Metavere-ready.
Raulvin is also the Executive Producer and host of the hit podcast, “Surviving The Future of Work” and the new podcast “Metaverse-ology”.
Raulvin is one of those rare individuals who merges his technical expertise gained from his career as an IT business analyst, Software engineer, and most recently as an Agile Capability Transformation Leader for Top global organizations for almost two decades. He’s taken his university acquired knowledge in IO Psychology, Human Resources/Labor Relations & his deep passion to make a lasting impact and change the lives of people around the world.
As a global speaker and trainer believe that mindsets and skillsets hold the key to FutureProofing individuals and organizations making them IN-DISRUPTABLE.Raulvin teaches his audience proven frameworks, skill-sets, and mindsets to Future Proof their life & business to become was h’s coined as IN-DISRUPTABLE.
Raulvin’s intimate insight into the rapidly changing world of technology awakened him to the disruption that’s silently eroding careers, education systems, and organizations around the world.
He teaches audience members how to apply his successful methods to a wide range of businesses that are essential to avoid disruption in their organizations and personal lives.