Swarm AI® technology, developed by Unanimous AI, employs a unique combination of real-time human input and AI algorithms that are modeled after swarms in nature. Swarm Intelligence is the reason why birds flock, bees swarm, and fish school – they are smarter together than alone. Nature shows us that by forming closed-loop systems, groups can produce insights that greatly exceed the abilities of any individual member. While humans have not evolved this ability naturally, Swarm AI® technology enables this artificially, allowing groups to amplify their intelligence by forming real-time swarms.
The winner of Best in Show & AI Innovation of the Year at SXSW, Unanimous’ Swarm AI technology has been used in several high-profile and high-stakes applications. In a breakthrough experiment with Stanford University School of Medicine published in Nature, Digital Medicine, a swarm of radiologists made more accurate pneumonia diagnoses than either the doctors themselves or the most state-of-the-art Machine Learning algorithms. Swarm AI® has been used by UN teams to predict famines, pilots to test and evaluate prototypes, hedge funds to guide investments, and, as reported by the Wall Street Journal, swarms forecasted the outcome of voting in the battleground states in the 2020 US Presidential election.
To participate in SWARM AI sessions during the roundtable you will need a:
- Good Internet connection
- An up-to-date web browser, such as Chrome, Safari, or Firefox
- Desktop/laptop computer (Mobile devices are not supported for this session)
You can learn more about Swarm Intelligence here:
- What is Swarm Intelligence? (One-minute video)
- Ready to Swarm? (Instructions on how to swarm)
- New Hope for Humans in an A.I. World (TED Talk)
- Artificial Intelligence Turns $20 into $11,000 in Kentucky Derby Bet (Newsweek)
- 7 Predictions On The Next Era Of Digital Retail (Forbes)
- Human-machine partnership with artificial intelligence for chest radiograph diagnosis (Nature, Digital Medicine)
- Artificial Intelligence Shows Potential to Gauge Voter Sentiment (Wall Street Journal, November 2020)
Swarms have generated insights for the Washington Post, TechCrunch, TIME, Forbes, and a host of Fortune 500 companies. More published research using Swarm® is available at https://unanimous.ai/publications/