Marisa Zalabak

Marisa Zalabak

Founder (OCC) & Co-Founder (GADES)
Open Channel Culture (OCC) & Global Alliance for Digital Education and Sustainability (GADES)

Marisa Zalabak, Educational Psychologist, AI Ethicist, Equity & Social Justice Advisor, and Climate Sustainability Leader.

Founder of Open Channel Culture & Co- Founder of GADES (Global Alliance for Digital Education for Sustainability. Marisa works across sectors as a specialist in Transdisciplinary Collaboration, AI Ethics, Social-Emotional-Creative Intelligences with a focus on Wellbeing in Human-AI Partnership

With, Marisa currently serves as a co-chair of AI Ethics Education, as Chair of Global Methodologies for PalnetPositive2030 and as a contributing author of the IEEE recommendations for ethical standards for Emulated Empathy and Synthetic Emotions in AI Systems design.

Marisa works as an advisor and in partnership as a contributor to multiple think tanks and global organizations (e.g. The Digital Economist,, AllTechIsHuman,, XRSI, Smart Ethics,UNESCO, UNEP, Million Peacemakers, Presencing Institute, Stanford HAI, MIT Science Connection Lab, Lincoln Center Institute, Willie Mae Rock Camp,) Marisa works to help guide organizations, government leaders, and civic societies to reimagine education and human-technology partnerships for the future that serve human amd planetary flourishing.

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