Josefina Román Vergara
Commissioner of INAI
Ms. Vergara Román is currently a Commissioner of INAI for the 2019 – 2026 period. In 2013, she was appointed Commissioner of the Institute of Transparency, Access to Public Information and Protection of Personal Data of the State of Mexico and its Municipalities, where a year later, she was elected as the President Commissioner, a position she held until 2017. From November 2015 to November 2016, she was the first Coordinator of the System of Supervisory Bodies of the Federative Entities of the National System of Transparency, Access to Public Information and Protection of Personal Data. In 2018, she was the Technical Secretary of the Executive Secretariat of the Anticorruption System of the State of Mexico and its Municipalities She holds a Law Degree from the Universidad del Estado de México’s Law School, an LLM in Corporate Law from Universidad Anahuac Law School and a Ph. D in Law from the Centre for Postgraduate Studies in Law.
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