João Francisco de Aguiar Coelho (he/him)
Instituto Alana
João Francisco Coelho is a lawyer in the Child and Consumerism program from Instituto Alana, and graduated from the Law School of USP (University of São Paulo)
João Francisco Coelho is a lawyer, graduated from the Law School of USP (University of São Paulo). He works in the “Children and Consumerism” program from Instituto Alana, a Brazilian non-profit civil society organization founded in 1994 with the mission of “honoring children”. As a member of Instituto Alana’s “Children and Consumerism” program, he has been involved with the release of the translated and commented version of the CRC’s “General Comment n.25 on children’s rights in relation to the digital environment” in Brazil, as well as the translated version of the Information Commissioner’s Office’s Age-Appropriate Design Code. Coelho has developed research regarding digital inequalities affecting children from the global south. He was a speaker at the “Data privacy of children and teenagers and AI: a South-American perspective” panel at CPDP Latam, co-author of the report “Data and children’s rights in the digital environment: pathways to protection in Brazil and Argentina”, from Instituto Alana, Data Privacy BR and Asociación por los Derechos Civiles (ADC), and contributor researcher to the “Global platforms, partial protections: Design discriminations on social media platforms” report, from Fairplay.
He is also a member of the children’s rights commission of São Paulo’s Bar Association (OAB-SP) and a volunteer lawyer at “Departamento Jurídico XI de Agosto”, Brazil’s first free legal assistance institution.