Azadeh Jamalian
CEO, Founder
The GIANT Room
Azadeh Jamalian is founder and CEO of The GIANT Room co-design lab for families and schools. She is a TED speaker, former head of education strategy at littleBits, and co-founder of Tiggly. Jamalian has designed learning products and programs that millions of families have engaged with, and thousands of schools have implemented in their programs. Through her work at The GIANT Room, she has partnered with more than 4000 schools, museums, libraries, and organizations such as Joan Ganz Cooney Center, LEGO Education, Scratch Foundation, Brainpop, and Lysol to provide community engagement, design, and learning programs. She has a PhD in cognitive studies in education from Teachers College, and has published on topics such as designing learning platforms for family engagement and emerging educational tech.