Should technology providers, parents, and educators share the responsibility of protecting young people? Are they the first line of defense against the risks of using Metaverse platforms?
The panel will focus on how we can promote awareness about controls and mechanisms available to guardians and children for building an inclusive, safe and healthy Metaverse.
Session Video
The panel discussion included experts in the field of cyberbullying, mental health, and technology who discussed the impact of technology on mental health and wellbeing. The main objectives of the discussion were to identify the problem of cyberbullying and its effects on mental health, to explore the ways in which technology can be used to combat cyberbullying, and to suggest solutions to protect the mental health and wellbeing of individuals online.
The panelists highlighted the importance of education, awareness, and communication to prevent cyberbullying and recommended the use of positive online interactions to promote mental health and wellbeing. They emphasized the need for technology companies to take responsibility for the content on their platforms and to develop tools to combat cyberbullying.
The panelists also discussed the importance of mental health support for individuals affected by cyberbullying and recommended the development of online resources and support networks. They emphasized the need for a collaborative effort between individuals, technology companies, mental health professionals, and policymakers to combat cyberbullying and promote positive online experiences.
Overall, the panel discussion highlighted the importance of recognizing the impact of technology on mental health and the need for a proactive approach to address cyberbullying and promote mental health and wellbeing in the online world.
During the panel discussion, several key ideas and insights were highlighted:
- The importance of creating safe and inclusive spaces for young people to have open and honest conversations about mental health and well-being.
- The need to address systemic issues that contribute to mental health challenges, including poverty, discrimination, and access to resources.
- The need for a multidisciplinary approach to mental health, including the involvement of educators, healthcare professionals, parents, and community members.
- The importance of incorporating digital technology in mental health services and providing accessible resources for young people.
- The importance of destigmatizing mental health challenges and providing education and awareness to increase understanding and empathy.
- The need to prioritize early intervention and prevention strategies, including building resilience and coping skills in young people.
- The importance of cultural sensitivity and understanding in mental health services, particularly for marginalized and underrepresented communities.
Overall, the panel discussion emphasized the need for a holistic approach to mental health that addresses systemic issues, incorporates digital technology, and prioritizes early intervention and prevention. The importance of creating safe and inclusive spaces for open and honest conversations, increasing awareness and education, and addressing cultural sensitivity were also highlighted as crucial components of effective mental health services for young people.